Image of a monarch butterfly on a flower

EMIGRA: Especies Migratorias y Gobernanza Respetuosa de sus Ambientes • Equitable Governance of Migratory Species and their Habitats


Conservation of wildlife that migrate across international boundaries can be challenged by inconsistent management across annual migratory ranges. Our research informs efforts to overcome these challenges and ultimately aims to develop principles for sustainable and equitable governance of transboundary migratory species. We focus on species that provide ecosystem services (e.g., wildlife viewing, pest suppression, pollination of food plants). See the EMIGRA webpage for more information. 

Issues Involved or Addressed

  • Conservation of migratory species
  • Conservation policy
  • Equity
  • Ecosystem services

Methods and Tech

We conduct research using digital (Internet) resources on ecology, conservation, management, and policy related to migratory species of wildlife in North America. Researchers will follow a set survey (list of questions) for each species, and record data as described in the project coding manual.

Academic Majors of Interest

  • Conservation biology
  • Ecology
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Social anthropology
  • Sociology

Preferred Interests and Preparation

Applicants should have a general interest in scientific research. Student team members with an ability to understand how the data collection tasks contribute to the overall project aims will make the most of this opportunity. All are encouraged to participate in biweekly meetings with the PIs (an excellent learning and mentoring experience). Good time management, organizational, and communication skills will be useful.

Application Process

To express interest in this team, please complete the VIP Interest Form and select "EMIGRA".

Team Advisors

Jonathan Derbridge,PhD