iVoices and Immersive Truth Media Lab
This lab includes work on project that draw on student experiences and perspectives to understand phenomena in the digital social world. In the iVoices Media Lab project, we produce, teach, and learn from students' stories about technologies in their lives, through teaching, media production, research, and scholarship. In the Immersive Truth project, we use related student skills to analyze and prebunk disinformation in the digital media landscape.
For more immediate goals in 2024, iVoices work will involve production of the open textbook Humans R Social Media, and organization and research around a shared governance strategy modeled on open source software collaboration models. Work on Immersive Truth will involve work on our open textbook, including production audio prebunking ads and research on their impacts.
Issues Involved or Addressed
Our main focus areas and research questions include…
- How tech experiences shape learning engagement.
- How do undergraduate students' experiences with technologies shape their engagement in learning throughout their college careers?
- How student perspectives enrich scholarship.
- In what ways do students’ narratives around technologies enrich new media scholarship?
- Integrating student knowledge into curricula.
- How do we best integrate student knowledge around technologies into new media curricula?
- Training students in media production and leadership.
- What are the impacts of training students in media production and leadership on students and their communities?
- Best practices for a student media lab in higher education.
- What are best practices for a media lab around student perspectives on social and educational technologies?
Additionally, beginning in Spring 2021, we broadened our focus to include information, misinformation, and disinformation.
- Using collaborative media analysis to fight disinformation.
- What practices and strategies are most successful in leveraging social identity and feedback toward the reinforcement of science and debunking of disinformation?
- Using short audio ads to prebunk around disinformation and harmful content spread
- What scenarios, strategies, and qualities are effective in inoculating publics against disinformation and harmful content spread?
- How does design of short prebunking media impact involved students?
Methods and Tech
We work with qualitative research methodologies, data analysis, visualization, and sonification, media production skills, and engaging writing and composition in any format.
Academic Majors of Interest
Any interested students can apply.
Preferred Interests and Preparation
Desirable skills and experience for our team include graphic production, voicing and audio production, design and editing of content in platforms like Wordpress or Pressbooks, creation and migration of H5P content, and writing skills. We value creativity, self-motivation, organization, and attention to the bigger picture.
Application Process
Interested students should visit our website at https://ivoices.ischool.arizona.edu/ and email didaly@arizona.edu(link sends e-mail) to join or learn more.
Team Advisor
In the News

Misinformation vs. Disinformation
Diana Daly, an associate professor of practice in the College of Information Science who studies digital culture and how people share their belief systems online, weighs in for a U of A News article on the different types of false online information, and why there are no easy solutions. (10/16/2024)