Characterizing the Microbiome of Shelter Animals


The overall goal of this project is to establish a baseline gut microbiome of various types of shelter animals, and then assess alterations of the gut microbiome due to the presence of different enteric pathogens, different treatments for the enteric pathogens, or other commonly given non-treatment medications like antianxiety medication. Shelter animals often have been living on the streets for long time periods and therefore commonly harbor distinctive veterinary diseases not commonly seen in household pets that will often require unique medications to treat these infections. Furthermore, the kenneling of these animals leads to high levels of anxiety, this is often mitigated with antianxiety or other types of medications.

Working with shelter animals provides a unique opportunity to address our overall goal: understanding the gut microbiome and how infection and medications impacts it allows us to develop methods to promote better health and wellbeing of shelter animals.

Issues Involved or Addressed

  • Sample collection for microbiome analysis and identification of enteric pathogens in shelter animals
  • Microbiome changes in response to enteric pathogens and medication in shelter animals
  • Shelter animal welfare
  • Oral and written scientific communication and networking

Methods and Tech

  • Sample collection and processing
  • Microscopy and culturing for identification of enteric pathogens (parasites and bacteria)
  • Molecular detection techniques (PCR)
  • DNA extraction and library preparation
  • Bioinformatic analysis

Academic Majors of Interest

Microbiology, Veterinary Science, Animal Science, Food Safety, Biology, Public Health, One Health, ASEMS Program, Honors

Preferred Interests and Preparation

  • Attributes
    • Lecture and laboratory coursework in life sciences/biology/microbiology/veterinary science/animal science
    • Ability and interest to work both independently and as part of a team
    • Interest in bioinformatics and/or sample collection
    • Diligence and responsibility
  • Skills
    • Recordkeeping
    • Microbiology hands-on benchwork skills (streaking, plating, microscopy) are a plus

Application Process

This team is currently full for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Team Advisors

Margarethe Cooper, PhD

Kerry Cooper, PhD