Peer Evaluations
An important component of the VIP team experience is peer evaluation. Students evaluate classmates with whom they work, typically with one evaluation at midterms and one at the end of each semester. Only instructors can view completed evaluations, and they use them in monitoring student progress. Students can only submit peer evaluations during active evaluation periods. Instructors can access evaluations at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are peer evaluations required?
Your team leader will provide instructions in their syllabus if peer evaluations are required. They are used by many VIP instructors since teamwork is an important part of the VIP experience. Peer evaluations are one tool instructors use to monitor teamwork, along with observations during team meetings and your VIP notebooks.
Whom do you evaluate?
When required as part of your participation, your team leader will provide instructions on how to complete your peer evaluation. In smaller VIP teams, you might be asked to evaluate all of your peers. In larger VIP teams, you might only be asked to evaluate your immediate workgroup (a project committee or other sub-team).