AZ Farmers Using Solar Panels to Shade Crops: researchers find plants grown under solar panels are larger & healthier

July 17, 2024

This initiative aims to study how solar panels can be used to help shade crops, known as agrivoltaics. This innovative approach allows food and renewable energy production to coexist in the same space.

Three individuals viewing crops planted under solar panels

In the scorching Arizona heat, farmers face a serious challenge in protecting their crops. However, the University of Arizona is spearheading a new initiative to help with this by using solar panels.

This initiative aims to study how solar panels can be used to help shade crops, known as agrivoltaics. This innovative approach allows food and renewable energy production to coexist in the same space.

U of A professor Greg Barron-Gafford is leading this research project.

“The overhead panels receive natural cooling from the plants, which enhances their efficiency. In return, the panels provide shade for the plants, promoting their longevity and growth,” Barron-Gafford said.

Read/Watch more on the AZ Family news website here, and read an AZ Mirror story here.

Investigate Dr. Barron-Gafford’s VIP Team here: Agrivoltaics: Food, Energy, and Water Solutions